Thursday, September 22, 2016

Free Download Web Designer Portfolio template

Web Designer Portfolio template

Free Download Web Designer Portfolio template

This is a cool gray+one color style design thats probably suited to a portfolio. It uses the Gotham Rounded font for its main logo and titles.

For the general text Ive actually used Tahoma font but you can change this font to Verdana if you want to get a Mac/Pc compatible site.

You must to change the image in About me section for an image of you in a serious and professional pose.

Last Update 17 July 09
Created 17 July 09
Minimum Adobe CS Version CS3
Tags creative, creative portfolio, creative portfolio, creative professional, freelancer portfolio, gray, gray. orange, orange, portfolio, web 2.0, web 2.0 theme, web designer, web designing company

Preview/Demo Link : Link

Download Link : Link

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